Sunday 23 September 2007


So, what did you think of Superbad? I forgot to mention that I thought it received one of the most positive reactions I've heard from an audience coming out of a cinema. Everyone was still laughing, reciting the jokes, or reminding each other 'what about the bit when...'. One man behind me on the escalator even switched on his phone and called someone as soon as he could to tell them how great it was. What was more bizarre about this, however, was that he didn't know the name of the film he'd just seen. He called it 'Badass'. He had an American accent so I at first thought perhaps in the US it was released under a different title. But no. The film is called Superbad, you have to say that when you buy the ticket, and it comes up in big letters on the screen before the movie starts. How could you not know what you were seeing? Especially if you enjoyed it so much? All right, he got the word 'bad' right, but otherwise he was way off, and may have directed his friends to go and see an entirely different film. I worry for them.

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The Hateful Eight

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