Sunday, 10 December 2006
This week is going to be quite a challenge due to work building up before Christmas, but I shall nonetheless see new films on Thursday and Friday. Until them I'm afraid you'll have to put up with me talking about television films and movie news. Today I'm going to say a little bit about Nightwatch, which I think is possibly one of the best fantasy/science-fiction film of recent years. It is compelling on every level and rivals, I believe, Star Wars as the creation of an entire mythology and world around it. It's also, as far as I'm aware, the first film to use subtitles in a creative way (except perhaps Annie Hall, and the very annoying recent advert that copies it). The subtitles move around the screen, fade and arise in different colours, drip away, and scream out in capitals when the characters do. It's really great, and shows great attention to detail. I'm extremely annoyed that Daywatch hasn't come out here yet, as I know it's been out for a long time in Russia. It's a trilogy I simply can't wait for (Duskwatch is already in production). I suppose I could of course read the novels, but the films must enhance them a hundredfold. Even though I should take the warning of Pirates of the Caribbean and their disappointing sequel, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed (and indeed hoping for a good Pirates three). If you haven't seen Nightwatch yet go rent, or buy, it immediately.
The Hateful Eight
Tarantino has said he'll only make ten films, and then retire. I don't know if he still stands by this statement, and if he does we ...
The name may seem a bit odd, and perhaps slightly self-pitying. The reasons for it, however, are fourfold: Because I was intending at the ...
The third film of Quentin Tarantino is perhaps the least talked about and least appreciated. I don't remember ever seeing it at the cin...
Three Westerns came out in the Autumn of last year - Seraphim Falls , 3:10 to Yuma and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robe...