Saturday, 30 December 2006


How do you know when you've failed your breathalyzer test? When the policeman says to you: 'No, you have to blow, not suck'. I overheard this late on Friday night as I walked home. The police had stopped a man in a sports car near Northcote Road who could barely stand up straight, let alone understand what they were asking him to do. Frightening.

In other news, sent me a £40 voucher. I used their internet DVD rental system two years ago when living in Nottingham - simply because there was no store anywhere in the city centre. I cancelled it as soon as I moved. It's not really a great system, although the variety of choice is outstanding. Overall, when I rent a movie I do it on impulse, and don't like to wait 3-4 days to get it. The voucher is effectively 3 months free use, requires no further obligation, so I suppose I shall use it.

Honourable mention goes to the over-enthusiastic video store clerk who served me today. He had a very large forehead and bounced when he spoke. I don't think there's anything he could say that could ever sound downbeat. It must get irritating if you have to live with him, though.

Tune in tomorrow for my New Year Honours List.

The Hateful Eight

Tarantino has said he'll only make ten films, and then retire. I don't know if he still stands by this statement, and if he does we ...