There is only one cinema in central London showing Stranger Than Fiction. This, to me, is strange. After seeing it last night, I think the film is one of the best this year - definitely in my top five. Perhaps its post-modernism would be too much for some people. But the film never revealed itself as a film, if you see what I mean. The characters remained characters throughout. The over-laid graphics were great fun - reminding me for some reason of the recent The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy film - although I have to say there weren't enough of them. It was incredibly funny, even though the main plot drive was quite intense and serious. What holds it together, as you might expect, is the ability of Will Ferrell. I think he's best used in half-serious films like this, where he constantly looks awkward and uncomfortable. Although his relationship with Maggie Gyllenhaal was a little odd - he is 10 years older than her - it included some fantastic romantic moments, which I won't list in case I ruin the film for you. The soundtrack was also excellent. The parts with Emma Thompson were a bit slow, but it built to a suitable climax when the two of them met. It was in whole reminiscent of I Heart Huckabees, but I think a better, more complete film than that one - both more serious, and more funny. It feels like I have a lot more to say about this movie, but I'm not sure what it is. I suppose that is the sign of a very good piece of art - it makes you think, makes you want to talk about it.
Best line: 'This was an awful day for you. I know. I made sure of it.'
The Hateful Eight
Tarantino has said he'll only make ten films, and then retire. I don't know if he still stands by this statement, and if he does we ...
The name may seem a bit odd, and perhaps slightly self-pitying. The reasons for it, however, are fourfold: Because I was intending at the ...
The third film of Quentin Tarantino is perhaps the least talked about and least appreciated. I don't remember ever seeing it at the cin...
Three Westerns came out in the Autumn of last year - Seraphim Falls , 3:10 to Yuma and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robe...