Saturday, 19 May 2007


Another interesting article in theguardian this week came on Friday, and was by Hannah McGill. She was talking about Andrew Bujalski's latest film Mutual Appreciation. I saw his first movie Funny Ha-Ha - which for some reason Hannah doesn't mention - a few weeks ago and thought it was brilliant. Anyway, her point was that indie movies were being made again (rather than being swallowed up by studios), which is great. However, there did seem to be a drawback, with which I agree with her. She said these movies were not really striving forwards, only looking back. They weren't innovating, she claimed, in the way that they used to. If you can call Dans Paris an indie movie as well, then this idea is certainly true. It's a throwback to a previous generation. Indie films, because they rely on no one for production, should be the most experimental - not necessarily in form, but definitely in style. Although we haven't yet planned a full-scale feature, this is what we at Troy Road films are striving towards.

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The Hateful Eight

Tarantino has said he'll only make ten films, and then retire. I don't know if he still stands by this statement, and if he does we ...