Wednesday, 21 February 2007


It is sometimes necessary to see a truly awful film in order to appreciate the good ones. The Truth About Love was one such terrible movie. I have to admit my main reason for seeing it, however, was Jennifer Love Hewitt. Nonetheless, I almost walked out of it halfway through. It was that bad. I don't know if it's even worth trying to detail how terrible it was. Suffice it to say the acting was bad, made worse by what seemed like out of time dubbing. None of the voices seemed 'real', least of all Hewitt's English accent - although the dialogue let her down a lot. An even worse fault was the complete lack of relationship between the two people who eventually fall in love, meaning that the entire point of the movie felt unconvincing. They didn't have more than three scenes together - most of the film is occupied with the dissolution with Hewitt's previous relationship, rather than the developing of her new one. The two characters 'suddenly' realised they loved each other, and the audience couldn't really sympathise. Great romantic comedies are very hard to pull off.

A point about Fargo: isn't the whole subplot with Marge and Mike Yanagita very strange?

1 comment:

Alex Andronov said...

I have commented about the Fargo point on your other post

The Hateful Eight

Tarantino has said he'll only make ten films, and then retire. I don't know if he still stands by this statement, and if he does we ...