Saturday 3 February 2007


Today I learnt valuable lessons in how to make a movie. The first thing you do, if you're going to have dialogue, is hire actors or learn how to act. The second thing is, learn your lines. Aside from this, I feel we made quite a successful first film, which will shortly be posted either here, or by Alex. We learnt how and when to cut dialogue - starting a person's line before cutting to them helps the flow. We learnt to slow things down, and leave long pauses before lines - it helps enormously with the editing. We learnt the camera positions and how to manipulate them, how jarring they can seem, and how seamless they could be. We learnt lighting is very important. We learnt music can add an enormous amount. We learnt you need to write a script before you start shooting. The next film we do will be much, much better.

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The Hateful Eight

Tarantino has said he'll only make ten films, and then retire. I don't know if he still stands by this statement, and if he does we ...