Wednesday, 28 February 2007


Some people like to know the whole plot and point of a movie before they see it. I don't. I like to know as little as possible. What are the reasons for these differences? I am not silly enough to say that my way is better. Knowing the whole plot leaves you open to appreciate technique, but I just can't deal with that. I like to be engrossed in a film. I need to be there from the first credits to the last. I need to see the title of the movie, and the director's name. Yesterday, when I missed them in The Number 23, I was perturbed. I got over it, but still have this niggling feeling of having missed something. I've known some people who look at the last line of a book before reading it, or flick through and read random passages. I simply can't do this. It's from the beginning to the end, or not at all. Perhaps I am the one with the problem? Perhaps. There is a website for those of you who want to know everything about a film: The Movie Spoiler. I think the title alone gives away the real significance: movie 'spoiler'.

1 comment:

Alex Andronov said...

Alvy: "Well I have to see a movie exactly from the beginning to the end".

Annie: "But we've only missed the titles, and they're in sweedish. So do you wanna go into the movie or what?

Alvy: No, I can't go into a movie that's already started, because I'm anal.

Annie: That's a polite word for what you are.

I'm with you and Woody here.

The Hateful Eight

Tarantino has said he'll only make ten films, and then retire. I don't know if he still stands by this statement, and if he does we ...