Friday, 10 August 2007


In this week's irregular weekly feature in which I think of possible weekly features or additions to this site: I might want to have an alphabetical list of all the films I've reviewed, with links to the reviews (obviously). Is this possible, and how would I do it? The problem is that some (if not many) of my reviews have been quite scrappy, and sometimes associated only with a particular aspect of the movie, rather than a general appraisal. Regardless of this, I think it might be useful to someone (perhaps only me) that there was a list somewhere of every film I've talked about in some way. Of course, you can just search my blog for the title you want using the box above, but somehow that doesn't feel the same. Any ideas?


Alex Andronov said...

You could do this pretty easily with labels. The labels allow you to categorise what the posts are about, they can even be about several different things. The way you host your blog will even allow you to add the label list to your homepage which will show you a list of all of the labels and how many posts there are on the subject. You could even then have labels on films, actors and even the aspect you are criticising?

I think it would work really well.

fourstar71 said...

Heh, I thought labels too - you could, at the very basic level, tag each post with the initial letter - "S" for "Secretary", to pick a film entirely at random. And blogger would generate the alphabetical list for you. But Alex beat me to it, again :)

Nick Ollivère said...

I'm wary of labels. I don't like them cluttering my posts. For instance, on gamboling they look like they are part of your articles. I always get confused. I'm sure you can hide them, though.

Also, if I wanted to apply labels would this mean going through every post and doing it manually? Is there no automatic non-DIY method?

Alex Andronov said...

How's the computer going to know what film you were talking about?

You can change the style of how they appear. You can even have them at the top or within a background colour for example.

I'm interested by your thought on the labels on gamboling. They've never confused me but I am too close to the material. I have often thought I should move them to the top. People might prefer to know what kind of thing they're getting before they get it so to speak. It wouldn't have worked when I had/have jokes because the opener and the punchline would have been separated by the label and that always held me back.

Alex Andronov said...

I forgot to add that you don't have to show the labels on the posts. You can apply them so people can find the posts by clicking on the links but you don't have to show them on the posts.

Your design should mean that the labels would appear in the white section at the bottom which would help keep the labels nice and seperate, but I can understand if you preferred not to show them.

The Hateful Eight

Tarantino has said he'll only make ten films, and then retire. I don't know if he still stands by this statement, and if he does we ...