Sunday, 15 July 2007


What's the best wave in cinema history? Perhaps you're thinking 'I don't remember any waves in any films, let alone enough to constitute a list', and, to be honest, I only have one in mind. It might be possible, with several years of study, to find and rank significant hand gestures in movies (I'm guessing westerns could be a good source) but I don't think you or I have the time for that. Anyway, the one I'm thinking of occurs in Raiders of the Lost Ark. You may remember at one point Indiana Jones and his girl are on a cargo ship when they're boarded by a Nazi submarine. Indiana manages to hide, but the girl is taken prisoner. After the Germans have gone he comes out of his hiding place to find her missing and the submarine preparing to submerge. Moments later the crew of the ship can't find Indiana, until one suddenly spots him clambering onto the submarine. They all start cheering and waving, and the classic music begins. Half in appreciation, and half wanting them to shut up, he waves to them. It is, I believe, one of the best waves in cinema history - seeming to sum up his whole character in a simple arm movement. Make sure you look out for it next time you see the movie.

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The Hateful Eight

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