Monday, 7 January 2008


I was given and have subsequently watched the Band of Brothers television series over Christmas. What did you think of it? Here, I believe, we have another example of television approaching, if not actually rivalling, cinema. Every episode is almost as good as a movie. Certainly the budget must have been, as the effects, the sets, the acting and the direction are all way above what even some films can't do. Certainly there is a sentimentalism here, almost a romance, which perhaps precludes aesthetic judgement (especially in episodes like 'Why we Fight'), but I actually think this series has less such effects in comparison to Saving Private Ryan - a movie you can almost see as its companion piece. In Saving Private Ryan there are slow motion shots, music changes to emphasise emotion, and generally more 'tricks' to lead the viewer to a more subjective viewing of the war. For instance, the film begins with the American flag flying in the wind. Band of Brothers is, moreover, based on true accounts, each episode being prefaced by the survivors talking about their experiences. There seemed to less explanation, or justification, of events or actions to the audience. Perhaps the last few episodes aren't as good as those that begin it, but undoubtedly I think Band of Brothers is a significant work of cinema.

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