Tuesday, 23 October 2007


When I was a young teenager, the movie everyone wanted to see was Navy Seals. For some reason I was never able to see it, and thus felt a large part of my life was missing. I saw the movie for the first time on Monday night. As you can imagine, I was deeply disappointed. I had other thoughts on my mind, and several times drifted away from watching to doing other things. But, still, a good movie should hold your attention. It seems entirely pointless. I can guess why people liked it, but I had hoped there was something more substantial to this movie than it being a cheap Top Gun copy. Charlie Sheen is amusing, perhaps because I now always imagine him as the character he is in Two And A Half Men. In general this film is going to be forgotten very quickly, if it hasn't been already. In other news, I think I discovered why I've been struggling to keep up with my posts here. Alex's gamboling blog has almost entirely ceased to function recently. When he was posting frequently, it in a way kept me going too. But now that he's stopped it feels like something's missing.

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